Wednesday, November 25, 2009

REUPDATED - Pre-event for Chrismasholic Fiesta!

dear classmates,

here's a good news! our class Christmasholic Fiesta pre-event day will be on Tuesday (1st of December 2009) from 9am-6pm at canteen 2 foyer!

and here's the bad news! there is TONNES of workload coming your way. so, just SMILE like what im doing now typing this pretty message to all of you. :)

okay, so here goes. the class will be divided into 3 time slots.

i) 8am-1130am (first group has to be there earlier to set up booth and preparation)

ii) 1130am - 3pm (this is the 'peak period')

iii) 3pm - 630pm (last group ends later, need to pack and clean up)

Our Event T-shirt will arrive on Monday, but Tuesday morning only we can collect then straight change into it for the Pre-event.

Regarding the T-shirt money, PLEASE pay RM20 to our event Treasurer, Mr. Ang Jen Shen by this coming week yea. if there is LATE payments, ACTION will be TAKEN accordingly. Please cooperate. Thank you! :)

PS: Further discussions (briefing) for this pre-event will be done on Monday (30th November 2009) after our Pastry Practical class.
meeting just outside the kitchen.

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