Thursday, October 29, 2009

Payment. $.$"

dear classmates,

here are the prices of the text books. (applicable to whichever you have ordered)

Strategic Management = RM23

Baking & Pastry (additional lecture notes) = RM5

Baking & Pastry (compulsory text book) = RM26

Andrew RM54

Jenshen RM23

Jinhan RM54

Seowqi RM54

Tzershin RM28

Jiayin RM28

Yixuan RM54

Aiching RM54

Chunghua RM54

Kokxiang RM54

Leechian RM54

Siangyin RM28

Chinwen RM49

Soongmeng RM28

Waitean RM54

Soomei RM54

Siewching RM49

Kenroy RM54

Munlai RM23

Shiewjiuan RM54

Waiyan RM54

***Baking&Pastry compulsory text book will be arriving next week.

***those in bold has already paid. thank you for your cooperation :)
***those who hasnt paid yet, please settle the payment to May by next monday. much appreciated!

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