Wednesday, February 25, 2009


first up, our semester two results will be out on the 10th of March (Tuesday)

next, the third semester fees is rm560. payment must be made before the 16th of March (Monday)

last, the time table IS NOT out on intranet yet. so just check back k? any updates i will inform all of you.

enjoy the rest of the semester break people!

toodles! :D

Saturday, February 7, 2009

february baby.

happy birthday to Jia Yin!

who turns 19 on the 15th of February, a day after Valentines Day! :D
hope you had an enjoyable birthday!

all the best in your future undertakings.
take care and god bless.
best wishes.


Friday, February 6, 2009

end of semester two.

hello everyone!
so we've come to the end of semester two. just so quickly eh
yeap, time flies!
so yeah, hope everyone will have an enjoyable semester break and holiday!
take care and god bless!
till semester 3, toodles! :D