Friday, December 25, 2009

Report Due Date & Replacement Classes.

hope everyone is enjoying their long weekends! :)

so here are some reminders to all!

Strategic Management Report Due Date - 31st December 2009 (Thursday)

- hand in after Miss Vivienne's lecture class. (that will be her LAST lecture class as well)

- Font Time New Roman 12, spacing 1.5

- a normal usual assignment front cover for the front and staple. no binding required.

Practical Classes.

Pastry practical this coming Monday, 28th December is still on as usual. Should be the last pastry practical.

Tutorial Classes.

F&B tutorial class has finished last week but then, the following Monday (28th December 2009) still have classes replacing our Strategic Management tutorial classes. will be doing chapter 7 questions. so bring your Strategic Management text book and notes. NO MORE F&B tutorials. Thanks.

Marketing & Law Tutorial Replacement Classes.

This will be informed later on, as soon as i get confirmation from Miss Lim and Mr. Deven. Will try to arrange for all the replacement's to be done by this following week itself.

p.s: Please do pass the msg/information around. Appreciate it! Thanks! :)

Call or SMS May if there is any inquiries. Enjoy the weekend ya'll! :)

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Reminders and Updates.

#1 Email from Mr. Leader Kx. :)

Remember prepare 3 empty gift box for our event.

1 for senior and 2 for our own booth decoration.

The size required are:

1 X smaller than A4 size
1 X bigger than A4 size
1 X bigger than A3 size

We need different size just for decoration purpose.

It'd better if you wrap the box with ''Glossy'' wrapper with Ribbon.

Please submit it on Monday during Mr. Redzuan's class or before 3pm at our booth.

We appreciate your cooperation.

Thank you!

Best regard,
Xia Ng.
Silver Bells

#2 Attendance on Event Day.

- Everyone is COMPULSORY to report to duty BY 730am.

- Exception to the Food Department people who is involved in preparation of the Muaji and Curry Fish Ball, these people are given the time to arrive BY 9am latest.

-Beverage Department who is helping Cup Bon, are still compulsory to arrive BY 730am to help out with other things at the booth before Cup Bon opens.

#3 Publicity for Senior team and our own class.

- Mr. Leader Kx has assigned 4 people from our class to help with publicity purposes. But the schedule arent confirmed yet. Will be informed directly to the people involved once confirmed. thanks.

i) Eden and Wai Yan

ii) Ken Roy and Ai Ching

#4 Strategic Management & Marketing Tutorial Replacement Classes.

As for this coming week, there will be NO REPLACEMENT classes for both the subjects mentioned above till further notice. Mr. Redzuan and Miss Lim will keep me updated if there is any replacement classes. Venues have been fully booked due to the massive 3 weeks straight down Friday Public Holidays.

Any questions, please do contact either Kok Xiang or May.

Your cooperation is much appreciated! :)

Thank You!

GO H1!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

a little reminder on the Mid-Term Test.

Strategic Management 2nd mid-term will be held on the 11th of December 2009 (Friday).

-its during Tutorial class.

-chapters covered are a little from chapter 4, then continued by chapter 5, 6 & 7.

-format is some MCQ, and ALOT of subjective questions as told by Miss Vivienne.

**good luck and all the best! jiayou! :)

Friday, November 27, 2009

Strategic Management Individual Report Assignment.

This is the final part of your whole Strategic Management assignment, the individual report!

here are the criteria/points to refer to when writing your individual report.

-role/responsibilities 5 marks
-progressive work 20 marks
-strategies used as opposed to theory 5 marks
-achieve your personal goal/organizational goal? why or why not? 10 marks
-learning path (reflection of what you have done) 10 marks
-bonus (this is a recommendation from senior) 10 marks

this sums up to a total of 50%!

Marketing Presentation.

now now, Assignment has been handed in already. what comes next? oh yes, the PRESENTATION part. how exciting! :)

week9 - 4th of December 2009
first group presenting - Andrew's group.
second group presenting - Lee Chian's group.
third group presenting - Seow Qi's group.

week10 - 11th of December 2009

first group presenting - Kok Xiang's group.
second group presenting - Mun Lai's group.

here are the details :-

-about 15 minutes for each group.
-dress formally for the presentation.
-power point / OHP materials are accepted.

assessment criteria:-
i) application - 25%
ii) communication - 25%
iii) creativity - 25%
iv) grooming & posture - 15%
v) visual aids (materials) - 10%

Good Luck to all! :)

Added Information - Assignments? Mid-terms? Tutorials? You Name It!


1) Baking & Pastry assignment – to those that has not handed in yet, please do so BY Monday which is the 30th of November 2009. Hand in to his table at v105 by 12noon latest.


1) Baking & Pastry mid-term is held on the 4th of December 2009 (Friday)

H1-H7 = 8am - 9am

H8-H13 = 9am - 10am

-50 MCQ's

-the 3 chapters covered are on Baking&Pastry Equipment, Basic Baking Principles and Lean Yeast Dough

2) Strategic Management 2nd mid-term will be held on the 11th of December 2009 (Friday).

-its during Tutorial class.

-chapters covered are a little from chapter 4, then continued by chapter 5, 6 & 7.

-format is some MCQ, and ALOT of subjective questions as told by Miss Vivienne.

Tutorial Classes / Replacement Classes

1) Law tutorial class this coming Saturday (28th November 2009) is CANCELED. Replacements (which are COMPULSORY) are to be made by your own choice.

Mr. Deven suggests us to SPLIT to half-half is possible.

The choices are:-

Monday 6pm-8pm @ M105 with H7


Thursday 6pm-8pm @ M105 with H5.

Alternative you can choose Tuesday 6pm-8pm @ M005 with H12.

Come prepared with your case studies and tutorials. he will start evaluating from there!

2) Strategic Management Replacement Class for 27th November 2009 (public holiday) will be on the 30th November 2009 (Monday) right after our F&B tutorial class. Venue will still be in V block but which room still not sure yet, will wait for the confirmation from Mr. Redzuan on Monday itself.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

REUPDATED - Pre-event for Chrismasholic Fiesta!

dear classmates,

here's a good news! our class Christmasholic Fiesta pre-event day will be on Tuesday (1st of December 2009) from 9am-6pm at canteen 2 foyer!

and here's the bad news! there is TONNES of workload coming your way. so, just SMILE like what im doing now typing this pretty message to all of you. :)

okay, so here goes. the class will be divided into 3 time slots.

i) 8am-1130am (first group has to be there earlier to set up booth and preparation)

ii) 1130am - 3pm (this is the 'peak period')

iii) 3pm - 630pm (last group ends later, need to pack and clean up)

Our Event T-shirt will arrive on Monday, but Tuesday morning only we can collect then straight change into it for the Pre-event.

Regarding the T-shirt money, PLEASE pay RM20 to our event Treasurer, Mr. Ang Jen Shen by this coming week yea. if there is LATE payments, ACTION will be TAKEN accordingly. Please cooperate. Thank you! :)

PS: Further discussions (briefing) for this pre-event will be done on Monday (30th November 2009) after our Pastry Practical class.
meeting just outside the kitchen.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Payment. $.$"

dear classmates,

here are the prices of the text books. (applicable to whichever you have ordered)

Strategic Management = RM23

Baking & Pastry (additional lecture notes) = RM5

Baking & Pastry (compulsory text book) = RM26

Andrew RM54

Jenshen RM23

Jinhan RM54

Seowqi RM54

Tzershin RM28

Jiayin RM28

Yixuan RM54

Aiching RM54

Chunghua RM54

Kokxiang RM54

Leechian RM54

Siangyin RM28

Chinwen RM49

Soongmeng RM28

Waitean RM54

Soomei RM54

Siewching RM49

Kenroy RM54

Munlai RM23

Shiewjiuan RM54

Waiyan RM54

***Baking&Pastry compulsory text book will be arriving next week.

***those in bold has already paid. thank you for your cooperation :)
***those who hasnt paid yet, please settle the payment to May by next monday. much appreciated!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Replacement Class.

Subject : KHHM2203 Food and Beverage Management
Lecturer : Mr. Redzuan
Time, Day & Venue : 12-1pm, Friday, Restaurant

Information is from Xadric, as Mr. Redzuan contacted him regarding the replacement.

This tutorial class was suppose to be on Monday (12/10), where the lecturers have meeting. And so, referring to the above, the replacement for this class will be on this coming Friday (16/10) at 12-1pm held at the Restaurant.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Student Bill.

Okay, about your Student Bill, please call or contact Xadric Chai Chung Hua and ask him if you want to collect it earlier than Wednesday as we dont have classes on Monday and Tuesday. Meaning you all practically only have Thursday, Friday and maybe Saturday half day plus Monday afternoon to settle your student bill. Again reminder, due date is on the 19th of October 2009 (Monday).

Q : Why you wasn't able to get your Student Bill much earlier when it was already distributed on Wednesday (7th October)?
A : Ask your class representative about that.

Friday, October 9, 2009

more and more information.

additional information:-

i) So far we need one text book which is for the subject, Strategic Management by Miss Vivienne. Please let Tzer Shin know to whoever that wants the book. She will take down your names. Price of the book isnt confirmed yet. and yes, its photocopied version yea.

**Tzer Shin is our TEMPORARY treasurer for this last semester. corporate with her aight? she's helping out the class to make things easier. thanks!:) oh yes, class fund for this final sem is RM20 each. pay to Tzer Shin latest by Week3 or she will come hunting for you. We have debts to settle too. -.-" Practically, there are tonnes of notes to come. so just pay up and you will get your notes for sure:) Thank you in advanced :D

ii) Hospitality Law lecture class next friday (16/10) is CANCELLED due to some meeting again. No particular replacement will be done BUT from that following week onwards, meaning from Week3, Hospitality Law lecture classes will be extended till 1pm permanently. meaning its from 10am-1pm. this is to replace the upcoming 3 Fridays in November and December that is a public holiday.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

second year, second semester!

how was everyone's sem break? :)

so here goes like usual, just some updates.

i) this time SSH is super fast with the updating of the time table for DHT2. maybe its a bonus for our last semester. :D so yeah, for those who probably have not checked, please log on to intranet to get a copy.

ii) and yes, as usual how the 1st week, 2nd week and 3rd week would go about:-

Lecture starts from Week 1 - 7 October 2009 (first lecture class)

Tutorial starts from Week 2 - 12 October 2009

Practical starts from Week 3 - 19 October 2009

iii) additional information that has been obtained is that on the 12 October 2009 (Monday),
tutorial classes between 8am – 4pm will all be cancelled due to some board examination meeting.

We have a tutorial class with Mr. Redzuan from 1pm-2pm on Mondays. Replacement of this class will be informed to all after confirmation or any changes have been made.

iv) student bill will be distributed out asap latest by next Wednesday, due date for payment is by19th of October 2009 (Monday)

v) September Examination results will be out on the 20th of October 2009 (Tuesday). Good luck all! :)

Saturday, May 30, 2009

updated information!

Dear classmates,

Im terribly sorry! I got the information all mixed up! so here is the latest latest updated one! (I called Mr. Redzuan to confirm already)

We are starting our Restaurant Management practical class on Monday(1st of June 2009) as at 8am-12noon not 11am-3pm. Be on time! :) The measurement time is 11am-3pm for the vest, bow, ribbon and etc. You actually have to bring about RM65 not RM60. I am so sorry!

And our class will be divided equally into TWO groups following our class name list, Group A(1-13) and Group B (14-26). The group list will be like that for now first. Group A will start at the restaurant and Group B will start at the kitchen for the first week and it will rotate as the weeks go.

Group A
(Please wear the white long sleeve shirt, black pants/slacks, black shoes - which are comfortable for you to walk in)
(as for the girls, your shoe can be on an average height as long as its comfortable for you to walk in and make sure the front covers all your toes)

1. Andrew P. Labitoria
2. Ang Boon May
3. Ang Jen Shen
4. Ang Jin Han
5. Ang Seow Qi
6. Ang Tzer Shin
7. Aw Jia Yin
8. Beh Seem Nee
9. Bong Yi Xuan
10. Carol Anne Ng
11. Chai Ai Ching
12. Chai Chung Hua
13. Chai Lee Kwan

Group B
(Please wear your kitchen(chef) uniform complete with the black heavy shoes -.-" and bring along your kitchen set as well!)

1. Chan Kok Xia Ng
2. Chan Lee Chian
3. Chan Siang Yin
4. Chang Chin Wen
5. Chaw Soong Meng
6. Chee Li Jie
7. Chee Wai Tean
8. Chen Soo Mei
9. Cheng Siew Ching
10. Cheong Ken Roy
11. Cheong Mun Lai
12. Cheong Shiew Jiuan
13. Cheong Tze Zing

***Anything that anyone of you are not sure of, please call Xadric or May to ask yea. thanks! :)

Second Year! :D

hello classmates! :)

here are some of the details and information!

#1 - Tuition fees payment slip will be given out on Monday itself. Collect it from either Xadric or May. :)

#2 - There is 3 books needed so far for our subjects. Which is for Restaurant Management, Food Preparation and Housekeeping Management. If you want a copy of all the books, please let May know ASAP by Monday as one of the books is needed by next week for class. Price estimated for each book is below rm20.

Friday, April 17, 2009

april babies.



mr. chan kok xia ng who turns 19 on the 20th of April,
mr. cheong ken roy who turns 19 on the 23rd of April,
and last but not least,
miss carol anne ng who turns 20 on the 28th of April!


may all wishes and dreams come true.
all the best in future undertakings and may god bless all of you!
hugs and kisses.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

new subject!

hello everyone!

there will be a new subject called Restaurant Management starting from next week(19th March 2009) onwards. Thursdays 12pm-2pm at the restaurant.
it will be carried down to second year.
attendance marks will be taken in count and so its compulsory to attend!

thank you!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

march baby.

happy birthday to Tzer Shin! :D

who turns 19 on the 31st of March! (close enough to April fools!)
may all wishes and dreams come true.

best wishes and have a great year ahead.
god bless.


3rd Semester Time Table.







Note : All lecture and tutorial classes starts first week (2nd of March 2009)
All practical starts second week (9th of March 2009)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


first up, our semester two results will be out on the 10th of March (Tuesday)

next, the third semester fees is rm560. payment must be made before the 16th of March (Monday)

last, the time table IS NOT out on intranet yet. so just check back k? any updates i will inform all of you.

enjoy the rest of the semester break people!

toodles! :D

Saturday, February 7, 2009

february baby.

happy birthday to Jia Yin!

who turns 19 on the 15th of February, a day after Valentines Day! :D
hope you had an enjoyable birthday!

all the best in your future undertakings.
take care and god bless.
best wishes.


Friday, February 6, 2009

end of semester two.

hello everyone!
so we've come to the end of semester two. just so quickly eh
yeap, time flies!
so yeah, hope everyone will have an enjoyable semester break and holiday!
take care and god bless!
till semester 3, toodles! :D

Friday, January 2, 2009

january baby.

happy birthday to Siang Yin!

who turns 19 on the 3rd of January! :)
may all wishes and dreams come true.

have a great year ahead.
god bless.
